Provisions on the Administration of Registration of Foreign Producers of Imported Food

CCIC FRANCE provides professional registration advise for European food companies, regarding to “Provisions on the Administration of Registration of Foreign Producers of imported Food” of P.R.China.

The Notice No.248 of the General Administration of Customs, “Provisions on the Administration of Registration of Foreign Enterprises Producing Imported Food of P. R. China” and Notice No.249, “Measures for the Safety Administration of Imported and Exported Food of P. R. China” were published on 12thApril, 2021, and the implementation will start on 1st January, 2022. The foreign food companies that export food to China are facinghuge changes. It is important that foreign food companies keep following the new rules which will be published soon, in order to achieve a successful registration. The critical changes are listed as follows:

All classes of food need to be registered, divided into two categories by different classifications

Food classified in Article 7 of order No.248 (totally 18 sub-categories) are as follows:

1 Meatand meat products 7 Egg and egg products 13 Condiment  
2 Casings 8 Edible fat and oil 14 Nuts and seeds
3 Fish and Sea products 9 Stuffed wheaten food 15 Dried fruits
4 Dairyproducts 10 Edible cereals 16 Unbaked coffee beans and cocoa beans
5 Bird’s nest soup and its products 11 Cereal milling industrial products and malt   17 Special dietary food
6 Bee products 12 Fresh or dehydration vegetables and dried beans   18 Dietary supplement

Food that belongs to the above categories are subsumed in the “Registration by Recommendation of Competent Authorities” category, the required documents are as follows:

No. Applying documents
1 Recommendation letter from the local competent authorities
2 Company list and company registration application
3 Company certification. E.g. Business license from the local competent authorities
4 Compliance statement of order No.248  from the local competent authorities
5 The inspection report from the local competent authorities
Attachment If necessary, the General Administration of Customs could require the documents of food safety and hygiene, and the documents of the protection system of companies. E.g.  Floor plan of the factory, workshop or frigidaire, process flow diagram, etc.

As for the food which are NOT classified in Article 7 of Order No.248, subsume in the “Enterprises Applying Registration” category, the required documents are as follows:

No. Required documents
1 Company registration application
2 Company certification. E.g. Business license from the local competent authorities
3 The compliance assurance statement of order No.248 from the company
  • Multiple inspection methods of Customs

To ALL kinds of foodmanufacturers, the General Administration of Customs has the duty to “organise the Evaluation team by itself or consign the relative structure, to do the evaluation and examination of the Foreign Enterprises Producing Imported Food registration applicants, through documents, video, on-site and combination methods.”

  • Extend Certification valid period

The certification validity period of Foreign Enterprises Producing Imported Food registration is extended to 5 years (was 4 years).

About us

CCIC FRANCE has a number of experts engaged in food inspection, testing and consulting and form a high-quality professional service team. Relying on the advantages of familiarity with Chinese food-related laws, regulations and standards and localized services in the European region, we can provide European food manufacturers and related parties a variety of services, including but not limited to:

  • Training programme of Chinese laws and standard of Safety Administration of Imported and Exported Food, and link it with your Safety Administration system and products
  • Detection of the compliance of China food national standard
  • Factory pre-checking, find and prevent the potential matters
  • Assist your application registration
  • Assist your remote/on-site inspection and evaluation
  • Strategic consulting of the compliance of Chinese market entry rules

At present, General Administration of Customs. of P. R. China has not yet announced specific details of the Administration of Registration of Foreign Enterprises Producing Imported Food application process or inspection requirement. CCIC will keep following up on further information and share related news with our customers.

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CCIC will keep following up on the application procedures and inspection details. Every food company can sign up for our news updates simply by sending us an email with the title: “CCIC EU News Update on Food Manufacturers Registration” .Please mention your company name, contact person name, telephone number and email address. You shall receive our news updates directly in your mailbox.